Our employees are regularly present at trade fairs and congresses and look forward to meeting you.
At this point we would also like to draw your attention to the diverse range of seminars and further training offered by the Medical Society for the Use of Ozone in Prevention and Therapy, which not only offers face-to-face events but also organises online seminars on topics related to ozone therapy.
Regardless of whether you have already had your first experience with the use of ozone or not, our aim is to promote the exchange of experiences as well as to provide an insight into the diversity of ozone application.
Customer Testimonials
Medical doctors and patients are convinced of Hänsler Medical
More than 60 years ago, Dr. Joachim Hänsler developed the first ozone generator for medical purposes. Since then, a lot has changed. However, the satisfaction of our more than 10,000 global customers persists and remains high. Besides our uncompromising focus on quality and safety, our scientific contributions to ozone therapy and our excellent advisory network are particularly convincing.
Please contact us if you have any questions. We are more than happy to help.

I have been using OZONOSAN products for more than 35 years. The high product quality and the long-standingscientific contributions have convinced me the most.
Dr. med. Michael Schreiber, General Practitioner and Specialist for Naturopathy, Aystetten, Germany.
Your contacts
Do you have any questions about our product range or our services? Hänsler Medical is at your disposal for all your concerns at any time.