Ozone generator OZONOSAN cytozon

Ozone generator OZONOSAN cytozon for dentistry

The ozone generator especially for dentistry

Bacteria, fungi, and viruses can be successfully eliminated with ozonized water for well over 100 years. Moreover, ozone detoxifies oysters and mussels or and protects fish from microbes.
In medicine, Ozonized water can clean wounds or rinse the oral cavity in dentistry.

Time course of the ozone concentration with different water quality (µS/cm)

Ozone develops its optimal effect in an aqueous medium.

With its polar molecular structure, it fits perfectly into the polar water-molecule network. Hydrogen bonds stabilise the ozone. Water quality, water column, ozone concentration in the generator gas, temperature, pressure and time are the essential parameters that determine the concentration
With an ozonization time of 5 – 15 minutes and a set ozone concentration of 60 to 100 µg/ml, an ozone concentration in the water (aqua bidest, 22°C) of approx. 22 µg/ml is achieved. The curve shows that after 10 minutes only approx. 17 µg/ml are still present in the water.

Forms of applications

The ozone generator OZONOSAN cytozon is especially suitable for use in dentistry. The ozone water produced can be used in a variety of ways. One example is the mouth rinse for disinfecting the oral cavity.

Product highlights

  • Easy use of the ozone generator due to a user-friendly concept.
  • Fully automatic ozonisation of water with optimised ozone dose.
  • Simply switch on and after a short time take out pure ozone water or ozone water oxygen spray with the multi-function syringe.
  • Additional connection option for further devices for extracting ozone water, such as ultrasonic or piezosurgery.
  • Developed and produced in Germany.

Technical specification
Ozone generator OZONOSAN cytozon

Ozone generator OZONOSAN cytozon
Device setupTabletop unit
Mode of operationOzonization of water
Ozone concentrationapprox. 80 µg/ml gas mixture
approx. 15 µg/ml water
Water withdrawalWithdrawal of ozonised water via handpiece or water outlet tap
CatalystPowerful, water vapour resistant, can be changed without tools
Water treatment with ozone1 l Treatment with ozone
3 l storage container
Dimensions [WxHxD]55 x 20 x 45 cm
Weight21 kg
Electrical data230 V AC; 50 Hz; 1.2 A; Protection class I
Warranty2 years
Extended warrantyozone tube and catalyst 5 years
technical data ozone generator ozonosan cytozon

Documents on the ozone generator OZONOSAN cytozon

All relevant information on the OZONOSAN boardcase medical ozone generator can be viewed here.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Product data sheet ozone generator OZONOSAN cytozon

The product data sheet contains all important information on the OZONOSAN cytozon ozone generator.

Ozone generators in comparison

To give you a better overview of our OZONOSAN product portfolio, we have compiled a comparison of medical ozone generators for you.

Customer Testimonials

Medical doctors and patients are convinced of Hänsler Medical

More than 60 years ago, Dr. Joachim Hänsler developed the first ozone generator for medical purposes. Since then, a lot has changed. However, the satisfaction of our more than 10,000 global customers persists and remains high. Besides our uncompromising focus on quality and safety, our scientific contributions to ozone therapy and our excellent advisory network are particularly convincing.

Please contact us if you have any questions. We are more than happy to help.

For many years I have been using several ozone generators from OZONOSAN in my daily work as a dentist. Above all, the excellent service and the very high quality have convinced me.

Dr. med. Wilhelm Schüler, dentist and general practitioner, Speyer, Germany

ozonosan products

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